Monday, February 16, 2009

10 February 2009 TUESDAY – 51

Reference of Business // Roll Call

Personal and Collective Privilege: 1) Diaz re Filipino veterans in World War II refto appcomm; 2) Carilles re alleged bribery in World Bank funded projects interp Kho Fua Cagas refto GoodGovt BanksFinInterm

Approved on 3rd Reading: 1) HB01823; 2) HB02460; 3) HB03460; 4) HB03706; 5) HB03771; 6) HB03790; 7) HB03968; 8) HB04112; 9) HB04145; 10) HB04183; 11) HB04188; 12) HB04189; 13) HB04547; 14) HB05029; 15) HB05647; 16) HB05717; 17) HB05726; 18) HB05727; 19) HB05728; 20) HB05739; 21) HB05740; 22) HB05741; 23) HB05742; 24) HB05743; 25) HB05744; 26) HB05759; 27) HB03121; 28) HB03772; 29) HB03864; 30) HB03865; 31) HB04919; 32) HB05638; 33) HB05641; 34) HB05642; 35) HB05643; 36) HB05644; 37) HB05719; 38) HB05720; 39) HB05721; 40) HB05722; 41) HB05729; 42) HB05731; 43) HB05733; 44) HB05734; 45) HB05735; 46) HB05736; 47) HB05737; 48) HB05738; 49) HB04132; 50) HB05758

Change Referral of Various Measures

Election of TeodoroM as chairman of Ctte on Peoples Participation (vice the late CuaG)

Plenary Session suspended // Resumption of the Committee of the Whole (re HB05715 Automated Election Supplemental Budget) suspended

Session suspended at 6:10p till 4:00p Wednesday 11 February 2009